Flashback Friday 4.0 WINNER!!

{make sure you check out my regularly schedule post which includes my blogaversary give-a-way!}

Okie Dokie Peeps...I'm back with my Flashback Friday 4.0 update!

First of all, I'd like to thank my fabbie sponsor:

Make sure you pop over there to see what is in the shop..tons of fun stuff including imported goodies!!!

Look at the fun prize from Torendi!

Okay, I gotta say thanks to the wonderful Lynn {aka Crafty Linby}!!!  Such a FUN challenge for 4.0, first blogged Christmas Card....excellent choice Lynn!

I wanted to share the FAB rak that Lynn sent to me....all the way from across the pond!

Yup...it's a FAB Sassy card!!!  Thanks Lynn!!!!

I know...I know....okay already...onto the winner...

There was a great turn out of peeps...thanks for all the support ladies!!!!

I used random.org to pick the winner of Flashback Friday 4.0 who will be the lucky duck to pick the challenge for Flashback Friday 5.0!!!

WOOT WOOT for Stephanie of Ingenious Inkling!!!!

Oh ladies, I think you will be in for a real treat...I wonder what Stephanie will think of for the challenge?!  muwahahahaha....

I have a fantabulous sponsor lined up for Flashback Friday 5.0...it'll all post on Friday, November 19th {ugh, the day my girl starts her ortho treatments = cha-ching}...