winner...winner...chicken dinner!

(this is my 2nd post for the day..make sure you take a peek at my regularly scheduled post HERE!) we go....thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting for my 3 of 3 blogaversary candy!  I really enjoyed reading what is on your Christmas Wish List:)

Just a reminder of what the prize'ola consists of:

Thanks goodness for Random.Org....and the winner is.....

wow, felt silhouette...what a stunning effect! Love, love your non-traditional refreshing! and the coffee card is too sweet.

on my Xmas list...a new lens for my camera. :o) ok, i'm gonna forward hubby your blog addy. kekke..

November 20, 2010 11:17 AM

Woot Woot Girlie....I had the pleasure of meeting Yuki back in August...

I LOVE meeting bloggie friends!!!!!

I know I have your snail mail somewhere but send it to me again sista:)