What do YOU dream about?
Oh boy, do I have a long list of "If I won the lottery...." The funny thing is...I don't buy lottery tickets:) BUT, I think it is fun to dream anyways...
This card is a pub reject...although I haven't had much recent luck in the pub subs, it doesn't stop me from trying when I have the time..that is really the thing for me, the time.
I was frantically working on a project for today's post when I just had to step away and say, I can't do it...I don't have the time...that's a huge step for me. So it sits on my work top and yes, I will finish...but when I'm not feeling so rushed...I hate that feeling and it zaps the fun out of creating for me.
I'm a huge fan of my Compendium quotes that get emailed to me....this one was especially fantabulously timed for me:
Learn to pause...or nothing worthwhile will catch up to you.
-Doug King-
Dontcha love that? I think as women, mothers, daughters, paper artists...we tend to pile too much on our "To Do" plate...we all need to step back and take a deep breath every once and awhile...
**Just a reminder**
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**Just a reminder**
You won't want to miss out on all the fun & prizes!!! Check out the Card Patterns Blog for all the details!