scrappy sunday

It seems that I keep posting later and later on the weekends and that they are live posts as opposed to scheduled...ahhhh...not enough hours in the day but I'm a persistent whipper snapper that needs her crafty time!

Have you noticed that Scrappy Saturday is turning into Scrappy Sunday?

blogger is NOT cooperating with I'll have to come back later and fix this picture

This layout turned out a ton more labor intensive that I had originally planned...

Check out all that stitching...I'm not usually good about remembering to fill up my bobbin and then it ends up running out...hate that when that happens.  So before I finished off one of the strips on the upper portion of the layout, I took the time to load up my bobbin with more thread.  I'm pretty happy with myself {I mean come on, it is a good feeling to be proactive on things!}....I was a 'zig zaggin' a way...finished up and then took a look at the stitching was wonky...I must not have threaded the machine correctly because it was horrible....So I proceeded to take what seemed like 30 minutes to take out the stitching {note to self, buy seam ripper}...and fixed it up....ahhhh...

The pic of me and Darin was taken at my friend Laurel's wedding on August 6th.  I love the pic in classic black and white but had to sneak in a color pic so that you could see my fancy smancy metallic cardigan sweater:)

I was inspired by the latest challenge over at Sketchy Thursdays:

The Echo Park paper I used was perfect for the current CR84FN challenge:

It was quite the challenge because it seemed like every piece of paper from that Echo Park collect had been sliced into so I had to piece my layout together:)  The bird cage in the upper right hand corner is from the packaging.

Typing about upcycling...

Just a reminder that the LESSology challenge ends today at 11:59 pm EST...

Our Super Sponsor is Creative Charms!!!

Psssttt.....check THIS out....I'm sue-pah excited!!!!!!!