I scrapbooked....it's been awhile...
I know that I should work on my journaling...next layout, k?
The photo is circa 1972. We were living in Ontario Canada at the time...little did I know it, but we were to move to the states 2 years later {we lived in Vancouver, BC inbetween}.
That's me and my grandma, who we called Obaachan {japanese for grandmother}. When I think back about the timing, I didn't really know her then...she lived in Seattle and we lived in Toronto. The move stateside had a huge impact on my life. One of the best things about it was that my Obaachan lived with us for several years. I never did the daycare thing when I was growing up.
When I was older and had my own car I would do my Obaachan's grocery shopping at Uwajimaya. My Mom and I still chuckle about the fact that I know the weirdest japanese words...mostly grocery oriented:)
Recently, I've been making lunchtime trips to Uwajimaya....I realized that one of the perks is to hear the issei's chatting in Japanese {I'm a nisei}...totally reminds me of my Obaachan. There are days that it makes me smile...other days that it makes me blue. She passed away in 1999, 2 months before my boy was born. She never got to meet him but she did know that she was going to have a great-grandson.
I'm so happy that my kids are close to their grandmother's....I know that they learn a lot from each other.