Happy Sunday!!!!
I'm popping in here to announce the winner of my Brother's Birthday Blog Candy...btw, we had a wonderful birthday party for him last night...lotsa food {sukiyaki}, lotsa cakes {3!} and lotsa laughing {like no sound coming out...side ache kinda laughing}.....best time ever.
Okay, okay...just a reminder of the candy:
Random.org {love that site!} picked:
Marlena M!!!!!!!
Isn't that a wonderful tradition?!
Thanks so much for sharing Marlena...please email me your snail mail and I'll pop the goodies out to you tomorrow...hopefully you can use the candy this month:)
Thanks to everybody that played along...I really appreciate it and it was really fun for me to read your traditions. I feel like I don't have a whole lotta traditions and want to start some fun and special ones.