winner winner chicken dinner!

Happy Sunday!!!!

I'm popping in here to announce the winner of my Brother's Birthday Blog Candy...btw, we had a wonderful birthday party for him last night...lotsa food {sukiyaki}, lotsa cakes {3!} and lotsa laughing {like no sound coming out...side ache kinda laughing} time ever.

Okay, okay...just a reminder of the candy: {love that site!} picked:

Marlena M!!!!!!!

Isn't that a wonderful tradition?!

  Thanks so much for sharing Marlena...please email me your snail mail and I'll pop the goodies out to you tomorrow...hopefully you can use the candy this month:)

Thanks to everybody that played along...I really appreciate it and it was really fun for me to read your traditions.  I feel like I don't have a whole lotta traditions and want to start some fun and special ones.


Marlena M. said…
*hug hug hug!*
THANK YOU. Emailing you now..... ;)
CONGRATS Marlena!!! :):):):):):):):):):):)
cnelson said…
Congrats Marlena! So glad you all had a fun time for your brothers birthday! It is so great being with family!!!
Sylvia said…
Congrats, Marlena! Such a wonderful tradition! sounds like a lot of fun. Hey Amy, have a wonderful day.
Sherry Eckblad said…
Lucky girl to win all that wonderful blog candy. Sounds like your brothers birthday was a ball.
Naomi said…
Congrats to Marlena!
That's awesome that you guys had a blast at your bro's birthday party and suikiyaki? Oishii! I LOVE sukiyaki...not only is it delicious but, it's so much fun!

Audrey Pettit said…
SO glad your brother had such a wonderful birthday celebration, Amy! Sounds like a fabulous time you all had. :)
Kirsty Vittetoe said…
Sounds like great fun (and food) you had!
Congrats to the lucky winner!
Elise said…
You're FUN! {And Marlena is a complete and total DOLL!} - CONGRATS!