i will always...

Hello and Happy Saturday!

My plans were to 'sleep in' until 5 am...I ended up getting out of bed at 4 am and made 1 card...only one card is over 4.5 hours...more on that in a smidge...

I played with some Hambly and Echo Park this morning:

The red heart panel is actually a Hambly overlay {transparency}...I lined it up with the sweet grey hearts....this is where I insert several times:

I my sewing machine
I my sewing machine
I my sewing machine

Why is it that my 'vintage thread' tends to go wonky?  It must be the thread tension on the Janome but I hate messing with that....so the zig zags....those my friends, have been hand stitched.  I originally ran it through the Janome but it turned out super NOT cool...usually I say that it is "whimsical" but honestly, it just looked plain BAD.  So, much to my dismay, I had to search around for a needle {gotta buy some of those} and handstitched those puppies.  I LVE the look of thick handstitching BUT I'm L-A-Z-Y.  

My card is loosely based on the newest Clean & Simple sketch:

This would be my Breakfast of Champions this morning...

Coffee & Mini-Eggs

Needed the energy to go through my Google Reader which I've been getting consistently behind only to discover that it has gone OVER the 1k mark...seriously?!

So between all the CHA postings and right now it seem like all the PTI anniversary postings, my Google Reader fills up FAST.  That's okay, I love it all:)

"patience grasshopper"

that's what I have to remind myself every now and then...

This is a prime example:

Moving too fast for my camera this morning...

Sebastian Update

Remember that today is the final day to link up your cards for Sweet Sebastian!  You have until 11:59 pm pacific to link up to win a $25 The Craft's Meow Gift Certificate.

Ginger has posted an update about Sebastian HERE
You should check HERE too on Ginger's blog.

we're up to 29 cards on the linky!!!

Okay, I gotta get choppin'...I'm headed out the door with the boy this morning to do have some quality shopping time with him.  We're off to find the perfect gifts for the girl that will be {gulp} 17 years old next month {sigh:sob:gasp}....