Blog Extravaganza: Day Four!

Welcome to Day Four of my Blog Extravaganza!

Once a year, during the week of my birthday, I try to take a 'bloggie break'.  What I've also been doing is sharing some goodness with my fab readers and supporters.
{insert a tidbit:  I'm going to try my best to not type:   golb ydnac <<-- read it backwards...why?  because I know there are some people that just surf for specifically that and quite frankly, I want to keep this to my true readers, kwim?}

Well, today is thee is my birthday!  I've always loved my birthday, never been the one to be cranky about it.

Check out what my kids made for me yesterday...

...they went to their Grandma's who showed them how to make her super secret ice cream cake.  Dontcha love the toothpick candles?  Although we dived into early, don't worry, I'll have another piece tonight!

Okay, I gotta tell you, I've been loving the answers that I've been receiving to my questions...keep 'em coming ladies!!!

For those that have been following me for awhile might just be waiting for this goodie:

The Twinery Peapod!

I love The Twinery...I might just have 12+ spools of the goodness:)

So here's the deal, being a follower of my blog would be mighty nice but not a up below and I'll draw the winner on Monday, August 13th.

For extra brownie points, answer this question:

What's your fav color of twine?

my answer:  um, peapod