Blog Extravaganza: Day Seven!

Welcome to the final day of my Blog Extravaganza!

Once a year, during the week of my birthday, I try to take a 'bloggie break'.  What I've also been doing is sharing some goodness with my fab readers and supporters.
{insert a tidbit:  I'm going to try my best to not type:   golb ydnac <<-- read it backwards...why?  because I know there are some people that just surf for specifically that and quite frankly, I want to keep this to my true readers, kwim?}

On today's menu:

Echo Park Everyday Eclectic

I super love this collection...the colors...the patterns...everything.  I think it screams my name...

I chatted about signature style a couple weeks ago.  I see collections like Everyday Eclectic and well, they make me happy.   What I noticed about my more recent style is clean & not what this collection is.

So here's the deal, being a follower of my blog would be mighty nice but not a up below and I'll draw the winner on Monday, August 13th.

For extra brownie points, answer this question:

What is your signature style?

my answer:  Clean & Crisp with a smidge of eclectic:)

So there you have it peeps...a whole week of fun.

I hope that you enjoyed it because I certainly did!