bloggie break and golb ydnac!!!


I'm back:)

I actually have been truly on a bloggie break.  

Wednesday was my birthday...I was literally slammed with birthday greetings...thank you chickies!!!!!

We had a great dinner...

Here's a pic that the boy took of me and darin:

On Thursday we flew out to San Francisco.

We discovered a cute cupcake shop close to our hotel:

Their Red Velvet cupcakes were delish!

Here is my momma and the boy when we were out to dinner one night.

The last 2 days of our California vaca was spent with my cousin and her family.  They use to live in Washington, so we've been missing them!  They have since added 3 to their family which makes them a fabulous party of 5.  Thee most gracious host and hostess...ever...Thanks guys!

My Uncle retired from Stanford {Prof of Japanese Literature} and gave us a personal tour of the campus:

Next year summer my girl will be on a college campus...moving in...I can't believe it...west coast?  east coast?  who knows...she's a smart cookie....

So anyways, although I had Darin's iPad, I wasn't in bloggie comment mode much....this week at work is going to be VERY busy so I'll probably be doing a ton of crafty/bloggie catch up next weekend.  I need a vaca from my vaca, kwim?

yeah, yeah, yeah.

Get onto the prizes.

I truly enjoyed the comments that you gals left last week during my Blog Extravaganza.  I read each and every one of them!  Some of you ladies make me laugh:)

So here we you remember when I mentioned something about commenting for extra brownie points?  Um, I truly did mean that...come on now peeps, it's bloggie etiquette to leave a comment when you're in a drawing for a goodie {or maybe that's just me...}.

Day One
Basic Grey Paper Cottage Collection

and the winner is:


You all just have to start following Jessi...not only is she a fab crafter, she's hilarious...really.

Day Two
a roll of this adorable Freckled Fawn Heart Cloud Washi Tape

and the winner is:


Lynnda...she's fabulous, rocks layouts and cards...she's been really rockin' Lawn Fawn goodness lately...check her out HERE

Day Three
Jane's Doodle Tooth Fairy Klara

and the winner is:


Ginny is a washingtonian...woot woot!  I've had the pleasure to meet her and she's recently started blogging again after a hiatus.  Her love of colors and embellies make me a happy camper...check out her blog HERE

Day Four
The Twinery-Pea Pod spool

and the winner is:


So, I noticed Miriam around bloggie-ville and then she became one of my Flashback Friday winners!!!  She's a sweet gal and was a Gallery Idol Top 20 finalist, now how coolio is that? 

Day Five
Studio Calico Hey Day 6x6

and the winner is:


Sherry...Sherry has been a long time bloggie buddie of mine and has been wonderfully supportive.  She is a scrapper, card maker and photographer....You gotta check her out HERE

Day Six
EAD Designs $25 Gift Card

and the winner is:

I'm not sure when/how I 'met' Anessa but we certainly have had some thought provoking email conversations.  She is a rockstar that has given up sugar and carbs...I know...super woman indeed.  I wish I had the discipline to do that.  Check out her blog HERE

Day Seven
Echo Park Everday Eclectic 6x6

and the winner is:


Evelin, another bloggie friend of mine!  She is chock full of goodness and talent...scrapper, card maker, name it and I'm pretty sure Evelin has done it.  I'm thrilled that she's now located on 'this side of the water'...check out her blog HERE and her Etsy shop HERE

Okay ladies, sock me with your snail mails:)

Well, thank goodness for because I'd love to gift something to everyone!  Thank you again for being inspirations to ME....for leaving me such fab comments....for making this blogging adventure as fulfilling as it has been....

T h a n k  y o u