rainbows & unicorns

Sunday, already?

I've had the past week off from work and I've thoroughly enjoyed the time off.  For those that know me, you'll be happy to know that I did a lot of catching up on my sleep!

Here's a clean & simple card:

The Lawn Fawn Critters Ever After is a newly adopted set for me.  I totally bought it for the dragon and unicorn.  This card is for my girl's upcoming birthday.  I can't believe I have an almost 19 year old.

When did that happen?

I have a bunch of sets that I've recently acquired so I'm glad this one got some .  

Although this card looks easy smeasy, it went through a couple different photo shoots & transformations.

sheesh, check out how much of a BAM that glitter tape is in my final card compared to this one:

I actually re-copic'd the image too...did the T1/Toner Gray, a smidge darker because the photography wasn't picking it up.

It also went through a couple backdrop changes.  Put that all together and it was time consuming but I like it better!

This will be one of many cards that the girl will get.  Thinking of doing a 19 day count down if I can get my act in gear!

Just a reminder about the on-going sale over at

They are sadly closing up shop.

Everything is 50% off, use coupon code AD2014 at check-out.