Fancy Pants: Travel, Fall in Love & Be Happy.

post 1 of 2 for me HERE for my Top Dog Dies projects using Authentique sponsored goodies!

So, I've been staring at this sketch for a couple days.  

Kept trying to make things work but nothing was hitting me.  I find that thoroughly frustrating.

Then I received my order from Vanessa at Butterfly Reflections Ink:


I have a new love for Fancy Pants Designs!

Love that quote because I've picked up a new hobby:


Okay, so I'm not technically the pilot...LOL..that's Darin.  But I will learn to land a plane, for safety precautions.

Right now we have the fabulous opportunity to borrow Darin's Buddy's plane.  Darin's will be done early next year.

This past Monday we flew to Friday Harbor:

Friday Harbor is located midway along the eastern shore of San Juan Island, second largest in a chain of 172 islands in the northernmost stretch of Puget Sound, and situated between Canada's Vancouver Island and the Washington State mainland.

The weather was absolutely perfect and our day was too!

Truthfully, the last time I went flying I was pretty nauseous the entire time.  Like too nauseous to concentrate on anything else so I was surprised I caught some good pictures of Snoqualmie Falls.

This time I loaded up on Dramamine and flew on an empty stomach and brought pita chips/rice crackers and water.  Life was good!

Sooooo excited to share this hobby with Darin!