Papertrey Ink August Blog Hop: Let's Party

The 25th...already?  I always try to play along with the Papertrey Ink Blog Hops.  This month we're to experiment with our backgrounds and use this as our inspiration:

Love all that glorious vibrant dyed fiber!  I'm smitten by the intense colors and wanted to bring that out in today's project.  This card is super special because I started the background but my girl finished it.  It always makes this Momma happy when the kids help me.

I used the Linen Impression Plate on the base panel.  All the watercoloring is done with Peerless.  Those are amazing little things, aren't they?  Thanks to Joan B that gifted me a bunch.  I can't believe how much vibrant color is infused in those papers.  I used wood veneer paper on the  Party Time Die.  I decided to back it with Papertrey Ink Vellum so that the intricate cuts wouldn't get lost in the background.

Here's a close up of my can faintly make out the linen texture:

I need to put my girl to work more often.  I tend to think to much when I do larger freeform watercoloring and she just went for it.

Here are the Papertrey Ink products I used today:

party time
party time die

linen & canvas impression plate


Can't wait to see all the inspiration in this month's hop!

I've been scurrying around to get things done before leaving to see the boy tomorrow.  The girl and I are super excited to give him huge hugs.