Wow! I hope that you had as much fun as I did celebrating with giveaways last week! I loved reading all of your sweet comments! Thank you soooo much for joining me in a week long celebration of my birthday!
I'm always floored by the generosity of the Paper Crafting Community and love to do giveaways as a way of, well, giving back to the community♡
Thank you for the help,!
Let's get to it, shall we?
Day 1: Reverse Confetti
Day 2: Neat & Tangled
Woot Woot Laura!!!!! I had an awesome birthday week!
Day 3: The Heart Desires
Yahooooo for D.Ann C!! I π pineapples!
Day 4: My Sweet Petunia
Helen! You're a winner!!!
Day 5: Hero Arts
Celeste, you won the Hero Arts shopping spree!
I'll be reaching out to the winners with prize information♡
IF you're still with me, can we chat about something?
I truly believe that a majority of the people that are no-reply bloggers, aren't aware that they are. I realize that some people, for privacy reasons, do not like to have their email revealed when leaving comments. I totally understand that...but if you're leaving comments for a giveaway post, it makes it really difficult to reach out to you as the winner.
This is what it looks like when I receive a comment from a No-Reply blogger:
If this person was a winner of a giveaway, there would be no way for me to contact them. Yes, I could click on their hyperlinked name which pops me to their Blogger Profile. For example sake, I'll tell you that their email was not listed in their profile so I then clicked onto her blog link and any guesses? Their email was no where to be found on their blog.
You might think, what's the big deal? Well, I know that there have been many giveaways that my bloggie friends have had to redraw a new name because the original winner never claimed their prize. You might be super organized and have all the giveaways written down and know when to pop back to a blog for the winner reveal...You're a super star. Why not just make it easier and check your setting or leave your email address when you comment. Why am I bringing this up? Well, I'm part of a fairly large quarterly Coffee Lovers Blog Hop and I know that this is a huge issue. I'm trying to be proactive for the Fall hop.
Please read THIS to find out what your setting are and how to fix things.