Simon Says Stamp: STAMPtember with Reverse Confetti

STAMPtember® is here and Reverse Confetti has an exclusive set!  Check it out:

Isn't Celebrate Your Day fabulous?!  All of the profits from this set are going to a charity that is close to Jen's heart "The Pink Fund".  She says: "...they offer financial support to women going through Breast Cancer Treatment.  While I am fortunate enough to not have to utilize such services, it is close to my heart and an important cause to me...."  

Isn't that awesome?!  Check out how I was inspired:

Just say Yes to Celebrations + Cake!  I teamed up Celebrate Your Day with Bumblee Bee + Midnight Ink.  The yellow panel is from the September Release, Every Little Bit 6x6 Pattern Paper Pad that will be available on September 8th!

Make sure you pop over to the Simon Says Stamp blog for all the STAMPtember® details and to see how my teamies were inspired!