You Donut Even Know | Mama Elephant

So, how were your holidays?  Ours were fabulous.  There's something about being surrounded by family.  Love it...especially the kids.  Well, they're all in their 20's but this year there were 5 of them and it was a ton of fun.  I happen to whip up these cards on Christmas morning while I waited for everyone to wake up:

The Mama Elephant Donut Treats is such a fun set.  I remember when it came out last summer, loved it and it went on my wish list.  Fast Forward to prepping for our annual crafty day holiday party.  We always do a gift exchange and I did a bit of shopping at Doodlebugs which included the Donut Treats set and some other things.  My crafty friends are so patient with me...LOL.  I don't know if patient is the word.  I go to the party with stuff that I like, come on, I'm not the only one that does that!  So this year I went home with what I brought.  It was a white elephant exchange.

We love donuts in our household, especially my girl.  So I tend to gravitate to those sets.  I teamed it up with the Along the Way paper pad by Pebbles/Jen Hadfield.

I never have enough birthday cards so I was sure to do one and then I added a thank you too:

My cards were inspired by CAS(E) this sketch!  Love that it is Donna's sketch and my card was thoroughly inspired by Alice's design.