I picked up some pieces of the Doodlebug Designs - Pumpkin Spice collection from Doodlebugswa.com. They arrived yesterday and I knew I had to whip up some quick cards. Here's how I was inspired:
My first card, Coffee, Hug in a Mug, also includes the Coffee + coordinating honey cuts from Honey Bee Stamps. You can't really tell from this photo, but that kraft panel has a pattern on it.
Here's a bit of a close up, it's so cute:
My second design has so much going on but it's such a happy card:
This time I used the Honey Bee Stamps Latte stamps + coordinating Honey Cuts. I used some Doodle-Pops [dimensional stickers]. I generally buy them and hoard them, this time I forced myself to use them.
I was thoroughly inspired by the Fab Friday sketch:
I was especially inspired by THIS card....I LOVE it.
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