The newest Anita Jeram Release is now available! You should have arrived here from Emily's, if not, you'll want to start at the beginning of the hop which is the Colorado Craft Co blog. In case you get lost along the way, I have the entire hop listing at the bottom of this post.
Leave a comment on all the participating designer blogs for a chance to win. Commenting is open until midnight eastern on June 16th. The winners will be posted on the Colorado Crafts Co Blog the following day!
My stamps were lost in the mail but hopefully they should be arriving on Tuesday. I don't have a project to share today but I wanted to at least share some of my favorite sets from the release [click on image to go directly to the CCC site]:
I'm the end of the hop! I can't wait to hop around to see all the fantastic inspiration. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Thanks for stopping by!
they are always fantastic so I'll look
forward to seeing them when you get
your stamps. take care
Lori L in PA
Vannessa Osbourn