Fusion #15: bring your own sunshine

Hello and Happy Friday!

We're back with Fusion #15:

Whaddya think?!

Loads of fun, eh?

Check out how I was inspired:

I gotta tell you, I LOVE how Unity Stamps, well, stamp...BUT I'm a clear girl at heart.  I've gotten so spoiled with clear stamps that it's a challenge for me to use others....I still buy woodmounts from Impress...I can't help it, they are so fun & purdy.

Anywho's, here's how I was inspired by the picture:

chalkboard = chalkboard technique
wood frame = Amy Tangerine details
chalkboard = school = grid paper

Be sure to check out my Fusion teamies:

How are you inspired?

I've been slightly MIA since we were on a glorious vaca to New York.  The kids and I spent 4 nights in NY, I have never walked so much.  More deets on the trip on a later date, I'm hoping to do some scrapbookin' here are just a couple of photos:

Thanks so much for stoppin' by...hoping to get caught up on my feedly:

edited to add:  Oh ladies, I wish I had the time to catch up but I failed...miserably...so today starts my Feedly at zero.

...and last but not least...

Thank you so much for all of the awesome birthday wishes.  Yesterday was a super fun day for me and I'm one of those that loves to stretch out the birthday festivities as long as possible {wink}.