you rock...

Happy Monday!!!

How was your National Scrapbooking Day Weekend? I managed to pick up a bunch of goodies...more on that in a smidge:)

I wanted to share my Cosmo Cricket'licious-ness Card! For those of you that have been following me for a while, you all know how much I adore Cosmo Cricket..quite frankly, I'd probably mod podge everything in my crafty area with paper from the Early Bird line [IF I wasn't so lazy]...

Anywho's, the 'ole boyfriend was being in the Cosmo Cricket Boyfriend line...hahaha..I know, I'm easily amused:)

Well, I'm pretty proud of myself for cranking out a masculine card...those are always tough for me...I love girlie colors and embellies.

I was inspired by ESS #81:

...okay, back to my NSD purchases...I bought a load of 12 x 12's at a place called Scrapbook Hideway. This is the 2nd time I've been there...and no, it isn't in Washington, it is in Missoula, Montana! We drove over there on Friday...6 hours...oy....Darin has an annual golfing tournament over there and while he golfs I book 80 miles over to Missoula and I shop:) Tax free shopping! Thanks to the fabbie Lea Lawson that recommended the shop to me:)

It's a long drive to Montana...I managed to stay up for the entire drive over there...I typically fall asleep:) Lookie what entertained me:

Oh boy, I WISH it were mine BUT close enough, it's Darin's...he bought the Apple iPad 3G is absolutely incredible...good grief, what will they think of next?

Okay,'s to a great week...come on back tomorrow for the Jacksonbelle Tuesday Challenge!