I hope that you've had a chance to pop over to Yvonne's blog...I'm her Guest Blogger and I've issued a challenge based on today's card and there is a PRIZE peeps...everyone loves a prize...especially a gift certificate:)
I had soo much fun creating this card...for those that know me and have been following me for awhile know how much I adore color and patterns. Funny thing, I certainly don't dress how I create...my furniture isn't colorful {it's brown leather}....anywho's....I managed to use 5 different patterned papers on this puppy...count them...5. I could have easily made the 4 blocks within the design different patterns BUT hey, I do have a sense of control:)
I have several of Kelly's Lawn Fawn sets...but I easily fall back on her Sew Lovely set....I 'sew' love it...
My card was inspired by Laura's 2s4y #55 sketch:

I can honestly say that 2s4y is one challenge site that I always participate in...so thanks ladies...I definitely ♥♥♥♥♥ 2S4Y!
I'm actually typing this up on Thursday morning...I like to prepare my blog posts in advance as much as possible...I constantly tweek & fuss with things until the night before it posts....let me share with you somethings that happened this morning...the kids know my routine...I stumble out of bed...early....typically between 3 and 4 a.m....I go into the kitchen to make my liquid breakfast of coffee....what did I have waiting for me this morning?!!! My boy left me 2 chocolate chip cookies and 2 mandarin oranges with a note:
Amy's Breakfast!
Happy Thursday!
Awwww...now how sweet is that...not to mention, a breakfast of champions:) I have all day to burn off those gazillion calories....As I'm chowing down my breakfast...my boy comes out of his room all chipper and full of smiles...I give him this surprised look and thank him for the cookies only to find out that he had been up all night and pretty stinkin' proud of himself...the boy has some serious energy...can't I bottle that up for good and not evil:) Anyways, he asks me when "we're" going on our walk...and I say later, when it gets lighter out...he's bummed because he knows that he'll be asleep by then...funny boy....oh the joys of summer vaca and sleeping in until 1 pm:)
♥♥rak alert♥♥
Check it out...I received happy mail and what makes it even beh-tah is I received Sherry's paper flowers!!! Oh I love it......
Thanks soooooo much Sherry.....you spoil me:)