Flashback Friday 5.0 reminder!

(this is my 2nd post of the day...please check out my regularly scheduled post HERE)

Just a reminder that Flashback Friday 5.0 is still running....upload your first new-to-you-technique-card!  The challenge is compliments of Flashback Friday 4.0 Winner Stephanie!

The Flashback Friday 5.0 winner will be drawn randomly...they will receive an assortment of fabulous hand dyed Wrinkle Ribbon from Sherry of Button Junkie , they will be the Guest Designer for Flashback Friday 6.0 AND they will pick the 6.0 Challenge...now how fun is that?!

Link up HERE...the challenge ends December 10th @ 11:59 pm PST.


I wanted to share some of my happy mail:)

Check out this cutie patootie {cracks me up} set from ANN:

I actually won her 'button blog candy'...good grief...check it out ladies:


I didn't just hit the button jackpot but it is chock full of other fun goodies...thanks sooooooooo much ANN!!!!

Next up is a card/RAK from Sherry, who happens to be sponsoring Flashback 5.0!

Does that card look familiar?  Yup, it was on the CARDS Challenge Gallery recently...yahooooo for Sherry and double yahoo for Amy:)  Love the twine too...THANKS sista!

Okay, now who doesn't know Allison?  This beauty is from her....{hanging my head in shame since my xmas cards have YET to go postal...}

I have to thank Allison for putting up with my blogger techie questions...she tends to be my go-to-gal:)  Thanks Allison!!!

Next up:


LOL...cracking myself up...Julie Tucker-Wolek!  The layout queen that has become the card queen!!  Woot Woot!

Thanks soooooo much ladies for all the wonderful RAKs....