you are a gem...

So yesterday I was able to crank out 1 card...LOL...I was going to get tons of stuff done but ended up hanging out...doing errands and having fun.

I adore colors and patterns...I managed to do some dehoarding on this puppy:
Hambly, Prima and K&Co goodness....all packed onto one 'lil 'ole card.

Can you guess what inspired my card for today?

Moxie Fab World's Tuesday Trigger:  Finesse the Dress

I love this dress and if I wore dresses, I'd love to wear this.  Yup, I'm not a dress or skirt kind of gal....I love my jeans, ballet flats, tees and 3/4 sleeve cardigans.

What inspired me?

1.  The colors 
{SU Basic Gray/Hambly Brocade}

2.  The brocade
{Hambly Brocade paper}

3. The texture {eyelet top and bottom hemline}
{Prima crochet bloom, doily and K&Co Brad}

This week is going to be pretty busy on the blog...
Monday:  EAD Designs Blog Hop
Tuesday:  Sparkle Creations Guest Designer {actually 9 pm PST on Monday}
Thursday:  EAD Designs Color Challenge Ends
Friday:  Flashback Friday Challenge 16.0 ends at 11:59 PDT
Friday through Monday:  The Craft's Meow November sneaks with a blog hop on Tuesday

Lotsa other non-crafty stuff going on and add a major roadway closed and probably causing mass hysteria during the commutes to and from work all next week...Life is Good.