Addison: sending HUGS

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I'm back!

Did you all have a great World Card Making Day?  I'm pretty sure that my non-crafty FB Friends aren't so happy with my multiple FB postings:)

The card making fun continues...I wanted to share a Card Drive that is going on right now for a sweet sweet girl named Addison.  I first read about it on my bloggie friend Karen Baker's blog...

Addison is the daughter of Kelly Bertram's friend.  Addison was recently diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia of the T-Cells.  Her chemotherapy treatments started on September 30th.  

Kelly has started this Card Drive so that she can give Addison 1 card a week for the span of her 2 year how fabulous is Kelly?!

I know that there a ton of card makers out can spare a card....

Here's the one that I made for adorable Addison:

Addison loves the color PINK!

I managed to use my Cosmo Cricket Upcycle collection along with some Freckled Fawn Washi and SRM sentiments.  Dontcha love the SRM layered on the Washi?

I'm a big fan of the glue dots...until I place the panel in the wrong place...LOL...luckily that didn't happen with today's card.

My card was inspired by retrosketches:

Here's the thing, being a Momma myself, I cannot BEGIN to imagine what Addison and her family must be going through....stuff like this b r e a k s  m y  h e a r t.  

Please participate in the Card Drive...Spread the LOVE...