peace joy love

P e a c e   J o y   L o v e

I've been smitten with all the embroidery madness that is out there...LOVE this FREEBIE cross stitch image from Fresh Squeezed Stamps:

I gotta tell you...I'm no digi-queen...but I LOVE this freebie!

I'm linking up to the 

{love that name}

Patting myself on the back for using non-holiday patterned paper for this CAS design.

**edited to add**

Do you remember earlier when I chatted about Sebastian?  You gals were rock stars and signed up to send him a total of 32 cards....I just knew that you all would help out.  Well, Sebastian is scheduled for another surgery on December 19....Can we top the 32 cards?  I just know that we can!!!!

Please pop over to Ginger's blog to read about Sebastian.  

I wanted to share this ASAP but will do a formal posting on Saturday complete with PRIZE deets!