Seasons Givings Blog Hop!

I'm a Guestie over on A Blog Named Hero....check it out HERE.

Click HERE for the Paper Made Bakery New Release & Blog Hop.

I have some GREAT news HERE.

Welcome to the Seasons Givings Blog Hop! 

You should have arrived here from Cindy's blog.  If not, start at the beginning of the hop which is the Paper Crafts blog! 

A big shout out to the fabulous Latisha Yoast for putting this together!!!

This hop is going to be a little bit different, in the fact that every single person on the list below, is giving something away.  All you need to do, is go to their blog, and leave a comment.  

Really, really easy.  

Now grab a cup of coffee, or tea, or maybe some hot chocolate, whatever your favorite is, and start hopping.
Here's to starting off the year 2013 in a fun way!

Amy Tsuruta ** {you're here}
Kim Hughes/Paper Smooches

I thought I'd do a run down on my 12 FAV cards that I designed in 2012...Here we go:

{This was for a Paper Smooches challenge, I love anything coffee oriented!}

{HA...I told you I love coffee cards...this set is ala Skipping Stones Designs}

{I gave this to my daughter on Girl's Day, a Japanese holiday, and she still has it in her that's sayin' something}

{Fairy in a Jar, nothing else needs to be said}

{shades of EAD Designs...I MISS YOU!!!}

{the colors just make me happy}

{I made this when I was a Guest Designer for The Twinery}

Why yes, that is a coffee filter for the liner...

...and yes, of course it is a Starbucks card!

{of course I had to pick this one!}

{I love text-y paper...}

{my boy said that this was a piece of Art and promptly put it in his room!}

{I love being inspired by other designers...this was inspired by Karin Ã… not my typical style but I love the results} 

{a card I made specifically for a sweet boy named Sebastian}

Whew, kudos to you if you made it through all 12 cards....I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by.  

I have a brand new "fight like a girl" set by A Muse Studio:

I was sent a duplicate set and when I called A Muse Studio they told me to just go ahead and keep it.  Now how fabulous is that?  I'm paying it forward...for one lucky duck.  I will also include a bunch of stuff from my stash, don't worry, you won't be disappointed!

Please leave me a comment and let me know one of your crafty goals of 2013.  The winner will be announced on Saturday, January 5th.

One of my 2013 crafty goals is have a project picked up for publication!

Now hippety-hop over to Jessie's blog!

Good Luck!