Happy New Year! For most people, it's all about New Year's Eve! Staying up to ring in the new year! If you've been following me a for a while, you know that I'm a definite early bird. I'm fast asleep by 9:30 and spring out of bed around 1:30. It's a horrible sleep cycle and I'm always super happy for myself when I can sleep in [I'll even take until 3 am!].
I grew up in a household with two people that met in Seattle but were both born in Japan. New Year's has always been associated with food for me. For the past several years I've invited a handful of friends over to share a meal on New Year's Day. I rely heavily on the Japanese Market, Uwajimaya. They have an awesome assortment of asian food. This year it was just the three of us [just like Christmas and Thanksgiving]. I did drop off food for my Momma who is living in a retirement community that is on COVID lockdown. This was the first time we actually got to 'talk' through the window. I usually drop off snacks for her and then park where I can see her deck. She'll walk outside, wave and we chat on the phone. They have a portion of the lobby vestibule with chairs and a microphone on the other side for the resident to talk into. Anyways, my Momma was pretty pleased with the food selection.
I made this card for her this morning: