Hi ya.
Blogging live again.
I had one set of DT assignments that had a morning deadline..so they are completed...photog'd and scheduled to post! Then I 'had' to take a nap...
I know I'm not alone when I say that I have a 'few' stamps that have never been inked:
I gotta refine my copic skillz. I'm really not a copic girl. There are times when I think I want to be but realistically, not my thing. So I try to add other things to my card to distract you from her poor make up job, girl needs to learn how to apply her foundation:)
I love this Poppy Stamps girl...although it seems she's been discontinued. I bought her solely for that sweet cupcake. It almosts seems naughty to pop her under the Memory Box Garden Cloche but I think of her as a garden gnome toting a cupcake:)
I've been 'into' the glitter borders...psst...Daiso, the Japanese dollar store has stuff like Scor-Tape...{huge stampede to daiso now}..they sell it online but it looks like it is per box. Daiso is where I stock up on Hi-Chew! I, of course, finished my card off with a SRM sentiment.
A couple of things...
Noticed any?
I have a new bloggie banner compliments of Karen Baker!
It's a declaration of my current love of hexagons!
Second thing.
Technie help?!
My side bar...oh where oh where does my side bar go?
It seems that in google chrome/safari mode, when you pop over to my blog via my 'home' page...my side bar doesn't show up. Click onto a specific blog post and BAM it shows up...what.the.heck?
Anybody else experiencing this or have heard of anyone else complaining about it?
Third thing.
I've announced the winners on the Flashback Friday blog. I've also announced that Flashback Friday is on Summer Vacation {wahoooo...I WISH I was on summer vacay}....taking off until the first Friday in September...we're going to come back with a POW!
I think that's it.