cardstock: misc ivory, strathmore watercolor paper: mme stamps: essentials by ellen/mondo magnolia ink: gold embossing powder other: peerless watercolors, create a smile/chippie, your next stamp/gumdrops
Hopefully you know how I was's my take on the current Muse: Joan B
Check out her FABulous card:
I'm such a fan of her work, make sure you follow her blog: dear paperlicious
I was inspired by her overall design and decided to use the Essentials by Ellen, Mondo Magnolia as my focal point.
Joan RAK'd me several squares of Peerless Watercolors so I used that to color in that gorgeous Magnolia. The beauty of the Peerless Watercolors is that the colors are vibrant depending on the amount of water you use with them. Although my watercoloring isn't considered 'even', I love that splashy look.
The Your Next Stamps Gum Drops {enamel dots} are such a compliment to the MME glittery paper, dontcha think? I managed to dehoard a Create a Smile those...this particular 'friends' one is perfect!
Happy Friday my friends♡